How to run webpack for dev
How to run webpack for dev

how to run webpack for dev

And in production mode, the size of the build will be optimised.

how to run webpack for dev

In development mode, the speed of the build process is prioritised. dist/ -output-filename bundle.js.Īnd the last thing we want to specify is the mode, which could be either development or production. src/index.js.Īnd then we want to specify where we want to put the Webpack bundle. The entry point is whatever the main JavaScript file is. The next thing I want to specify is the entry point. Run the Webpackīack to the terminal, we are going to run the Webpack command.

how to run webpack for dev

bundle.js doesn’t exist yet, but we are going to generate it using Webpack. I’m then going to add a script tag and set the src to bundle.js. Then we will add an h1 element inside of the HTML body. And we are going to set the element text to “Hello Webpack”.Īnd we then are going to create a new file called index.html in the dist folder. We will then use a few selectors to select an h1 element with id set to “title”. Now we are going to create a variable to import or require jQuery. So let’s create a new file inside the source folder, and this is going to be called index.js. The src folder is where we will put all of our source files, and dist is everything that is intended to be used for distribution or production. The first is going to be called source, and the second is going to be called distribution.


Installing jQuery is just for demonstration, and you do not have to install it to use Webpack.Īnd now that it’s included, I’m going to make a couple of folders inside the project directory. Now let’s install jQuery by typing npm install -save jquery. Now that we have set up our project and have installed our dependencies, we are going to run our first Webpack build. Webpack CLI will allow us to interact with Webpack from the command line. So I will type npm install -save-dev, and they will be saved in our dev dependencies. Now the next thing I’m going to do is, install Webpack and Webpack CLI. As long as you see version 10.13 or higher, you will be able to install Webpack 5. I’m then going to type, node -version, and this will let me know what version of Node.js I’m using. If you haven’t set up your NPM project, run npm init -yes, and this utility is going to create the package.json file for your project. Create an NPM Script to Run the Webpackįirst, I’m going to navigate to my project root directory or where I want it to be.

How to run webpack for dev